Kasama Chocolate Maker (Canada)

Since making our first batch of bean-to-bar chocolate, in 2015, we’ve become increasingly passionate about the process. From sourcing the cocoa beans, to experimenting with different roasting methods, to refining and conching, there are a myriad of variables which can be adjusted to alter the flavour of chocolate.

While we had been eating dark chocolate from the grocery store for years, it was only once we started making it from scratch and tasting the products of other bean-to-bar makers, that we began to appreciate the diversity and complexity that was possible. Depending on the cocoa bean variety, its place of origin, growing conditions, and post harvest practices, a wide range of flavours can be obtained – everything from tart and citrusy, to earthy and bourbony.

Chocolate is an extremely versatile food which can be combined with all manner of ingredients to create exciting flavour combinations. Whenever possible, we use ingredients from local vendors, as we value an atmosphere of mutual collaboration, support, and community building.

Kasama Kisinga Uganda 100% Dark Chocolate (Organic)
Kasama Kisinga Uganda 100% Dark Chocolate (Organic) - Chocolate Collective Canada


Kasama Kisinga Uganda 100% Dark Chocolate (Organic)



Kasama Costa Esmeraldas Ecuador 88% Dark Chocolate
Kasama Ecuador 88% Dark Chocolate - Chocolate Collective Canada


Kasama Costa Esmeraldas Ecuador 88% Dark Chocolate



Kasama Tupi Philippines 75% Dark Chocolate (Organic) (Special Release)
Kasama Tupi Philippines 75% Dark Chocolate (Organic) (Special Release)


Kasama Tupi Philippines 75% Dark Chocolate (Organic) (Special Release)



Kasama Echague Philippines 70% Dark Chocolate (Limited Release)
Kasama Echague Philippines 70% Dark Chocolate (Limited Release)


Kasama Echague Philippines 70% Dark Chocolate (Limited Release)



Kasama Costa Esmeraldas Ecuador 70% Dark Chocolate
Kasama Costa Esmeraldas Ecuador 70% Dark Chocolate - Chocolate Collective Canada


Kasama Costa Esmeraldas Ecuador 70% Dark Chocolate



Kasama Kisinga Uganda 70% Dark Chocolate (Organic)
Kasama Kisinga Uganda 70% Dark Chocolate (Organic) - Chocolate Collective Canada


Kasama Kisinga Uganda 70% Dark Chocolate (Organic)



Kasama 75% Dark Chocolate with Tanduay Gold Philippine Rum
Kasama 75% Dark Chocolate with Tanduay Gold Philippine Rum


Kasama 75% Dark Chocolate with Tanduay Gold Philippine Rum



Kasama Kisinga Uganda 70% Dark Chocolate with Wallflower Gin & Juniper
Kasama Kisinga Uganda 70% Dark Chocolate with Wallflower Gin & Juniper - Chocolate Collective Canada


Kasama Kisinga Uganda 70% Dark Chocolate with Wallflower Gin & Juniper



Kasama Philippines 65% Dark Chocolate with espresso
Kasama Philippines 65% Dark Chocolate with espresso - Chocolate Collective Canada


Kasama Philippines 65% Dark Chocolate with espresso



Kasama Philippines 57% Milk Chocolate with Earl Grey tea
Kasama Philippines 57% Milk Chocolate with Earl Grey tea - Chocolate Collective Canada


Kasama Philippines 57% Milk Chocolate with Earl Grey tea



Kasama 55% Goat's Milk Chocolate
Kasama 55% Goat's Milk Chocolate - Chocolate Collective Canada


Kasama 55% Goat's Milk Chocolate



Kasama Philippines Muscovado 'Tanned' Chocolate with cocoa nibs
Kasama Philippines Muscovado 'Tanned' Chocolate with cocoa nibs


Kasama Philippines Muscovado 'Tanned' Chocolate with cocoa nibs



Kasama White Chocolate with British Columbia strawberries (Vegan)
Kasama White Chocolate with British Columbia strawberries - Chocolate Collective Canada


Kasama White Chocolate with British Columbia strawberries (Vegan)



Kasama White Chocolate with British Colombia blackberries (Vegan)
Kasama White Chocolate with blackberries (Organic) (Vegan) - Chocolate Collective Canada


Kasama White Chocolate with British Colombia blackberries (Vegan)



Kasama White Chocolate with British Columbia raspberries (Vegan)
Kasama White Chocolate with British Columbia raspberries (Vegan)


Kasama White Chocolate with British Columbia raspberries (Vegan)

