Castronovo Valles de Los Rios Peru 70% Dark Chocolate - Chocolate Collective Canada

Castronovo Valles de Los Rios Peru 70% Dark Chocolate

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Weight: 62 grams

Cocoa Bean Origin: Valles de Los Rios Peru

Notes: "in 2019, I was invited to Peru to represent U.S. chocolate makers at the Cacao and Chocolate Salon in Lima. I met with growers from around the country and tasted their cacao. I was looking for flavors for my Signature Collection that have never been unveiled in fine chocolate outside Peru. Surprised by the huge diversity of fine flavor and aroma cacao from so many different regions, it was no easy task. I chose a cocoa bean to craft my most feminine and delicate chocolate. Enjoy its floral character, soft fruitiness of cantaloupe, and hint of clove spice."

Ingredients: cocoa beans, organic cane sugar, organic cocoa butter

(Made in a facility that uses wheat. Made in a nut-free facility.)

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